Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome To My Website About Bird Snatching!

Welcome, dear reader!

You've stumbled across the most magnanimous, aviarious, and downright bird-brained site on the entire internet!!

"Taste 5 Maker" will be henceforth dedicated to informing, reforming and "informing" all you wild and wonderful Bird Snatching enthusiasts.

Before we get started with the posts, I just want to open up a dialogue where our readers can learn how I originally got involved in the Bird Snatching business, starting with my early days as a youth, visiting my grandfather on the plains of Indiana. Since then, Bird Snatching has become a job, a career, a hobby, and moreover, something I do in my spare time.

It all started when I was out Bird Watching with my dad, Cary. He'd burdened my ten-year-old neck with a pair of army-ready binoculars, complete with zoom focus and wind speed coefficient for ballistics operation. Wow oh wow! Like yesterday, is how I remember it.

That fall, my dad was eaten! I had to go live with finicky old grampa Samson. Grampa Samson showed me that Bird Watching was for sissies. That's when he showed me the art of Bird Snatching, which requires twice the tenacity and one and a half times the fortitude. Thanks Grampa Samson!

More on Bird Snatching in future posts. Until then, Happy Snatching!

Yours in spirit,
Philip Brightmore Samson, Jr.

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to secretly post comments to your blog. we'll see if you notice. you probably will. you probably get an e-mail every time this happens. fuck you.
